
On some natural torsors over moduli spaces of parabolic bundles. (English) Zbl 1521.14063

The article under review deals with isomorphism between two natural torsors over moduli spaces of stable parabolic bundles.
Let \(X\) be a compact connected Riemann surface and \(S\) a finite subset. For a rank \(r\) vector bundle we fix parabolic data on \(S\) such that the total parabolic weight for entire \(S\) is an integer. Let \(\mathcal{N}_P(r)\) denote the moduli space of stable parabolic bundles of rank \(r\) and parabolic degree zero with parabolic structure of the given type over the points of \(S\).
Given any stable parabolic bundle \(E_{\ast} \in \mathcal{N}_P(r)\) there is a unique parabolic connection on \(E_{\ast}\) such that the corresponding monodromy homomorphism \(\pi_1 (X \setminus S, x_0 ) \to GL_r(\mathbb{C})\) has its image contained in \(U(r)\) (due to Mehta and Seshadri). The construction of this unitary connection is not algebro-geometric/complex-analytic. Let \(\mathcal{N}C_P(r)\) be the moduli space of pairs of the form \((E_{\ast}, D_E )\), where \(E_{\ast} \in \mathcal{N}_P(r)\) and \(D_E\) is a parabolic connection on \(E_{\ast}\). The projection map defined by \((E_{\ast}, D_E) \mapsto E_{\ast}\) makes \(\mathcal{N}C_P(r)\) a holomorphic torsor over \(\mathcal{N}_P(r)\) for \(T^{\ast}\mathcal{N}_P(r)\). Assigning to every \(E_{\ast} \in \mathcal{N}_P(r)\) the unique parabolic connection \(D_E\) on \(E_{\ast}\) with unitary monodromy, we obtain a section \(\tau_{U P} : \mathcal{N}_P(r) \to \mathcal{N}C_{P}(r)\). This section \( \tau_{U P}\) is not holomorphic.
Let \(\Theta\) be the theta line bundle on \(\mathcal{N}_P(r)\) and let \(\mathcal{U}_P \to \mathcal{N}_P(r)\) be the algebraic fiber bundle defined by the sheaf of holomorphic connections on \(\Theta\). This \(\mathcal{U}_P\) is a holomorphic torsor over \(\mathcal{N}_P(r)\) for \(T^{\ast}\mathcal{N}_P(r)\). We have a Hermitian structure on the line bundle \(\Theta\) due to a construction of Quillen. The corresponding Chern connection on \(\Theta\) defines a \(C^{\infty}\) section \(\tau_{QP} : \mathcal{N}_P(r) \to \mathcal{U}_P\). This section \(\tau_{QP}\) is not holomorphic.
The main result of the article is that there is a natural holomorphic isomorphism between the two \(T^{\ast}\mathcal{N}_P(r)\)-torsors \(\mathcal{N}C_{P}(r)\) and \(\mathcal{U}_P\) that takes the section \(\tau_{U P}\) to the section \(\tau_{QP}\). It is deduced that this isomorphism is in fact algebraic. This result is a parabolic analog of results for vector bundles (see [I. Biswas and J. Hurtubise, Adv. Math. 389, Article ID 107918, 29 p. (2021; Zbl 1472.14038)]).


14H60 Vector bundles on curves and their moduli
14D21 Applications of vector bundles and moduli spaces in mathematical physics (twistor theory, instantons, quantum field theory)


Zbl 1472.14038


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