
One-dimensional broken translation symmetry and pseudo-Goldstone excitation. (English) Zbl 1010.81020

Summary: In a class of potentials \(U(x)= A(A\cosh^2 x-\cosh x - 2A) (1+ A\cosh x)^{-2}\) the ground level is \(E= 0\), and the corresponding wavefunction is known exactly. This excitation is a manifestation of broken translation symmetry in one-dimensional, nonlinear models with a symmetric double-Morse potential. Broken translation symmetry in a one-dimensional model with an asymmetric double-Morse potential results in an exotic class of double-well potentials with exactly determined first excited levels. Such a property, exact determination of ground or first excited level in some classes of potentials, is common for one-dimensional models with corresponding symmetric or asymmetric double-well potentials, respectively.


81Q10 Selfadjoint operator theory in quantum theory, including spectral analysis
81R40 Symmetry breaking in quantum theory
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