
Nonlinear nonholonomic systems: a simple approach and various examples. (English) Zbl 1542.70010

Summary: The main theme of the article is the study of discrete systems of material points subjected to constraints not only of a geometric type (holonomic constraints) but also of a kinematical type (anolonomic constraints). The setting up of the equations of motion follows a simple principle which generalizes the holonomic case. Furthermore, attention is paid to the fact that the kinematical variables retain their velocity meaning, without resorting to the pseudo-velocity technique. Particular situations are examined in which the modeling of the constraints can be carried out in several ways to evaluate their effective equivalence. Numerous examples, many of which taken from the most recurring ones in the literature, are provided in order to illustrate the proposed theory.


70F25 Nonholonomic systems related to the dynamics of a system of particles
70H03 Lagrange’s equations


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