
Random neural network methods and deep learning. (English) Zbl 1493.68335

This paper focuses primarily on random neural network (RNN) methods and deep learning. The first few pages give extended information on the existing literature and a comparison with recent articles related to RNN.
Moreover, Section 2 presents the background of neural networks, deep learning (DL), and the RNN. Section 3 is devoted to illustrating the multi-layer non-negative RNN autoencoders for dimension reduction, which are robust and effective in handling various types of data. The work on the dense RNN that includes mathematical modeling and DL algorithms is summarized in Section 4. The investigation of the standard RNN and demonstration of its power for DL are presented in Section 5. The resulting DL tool is demonstrated to be effective and it is arguably the most efficient of five different DL approaches. Section 6 presents applications of the RNN and its DL algorithms to the detection of anomalies and attacks on IoT devices and object recognition via images. Finally, conclusions and perspectives of future work are given in Section 7.


68T07 Artificial neural networks and deep learning
60K25 Queueing theory (aspects of probability theory)
62M45 Neural nets and related approaches to inference from stochastic processes
Full Text: DOI


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