
Adaptive iterative linearization Galerkin methods for nonlinear problems. (English) Zbl 07240964

Summary: A wide variety of (fixed-point) iterative methods for the solution of nonlinear equations (in Hilbert spaces) exists. In many cases, such schemes can be interpreted as iterative local linearization methods, which, as will be shown, can be obtained by applying a suitable preconditioning operator to the original (nonlinear) equation. Based on this observation, we will derive a unified abstract framework which recovers some prominent iterative schemes. In particular, for Lipschitz continuous and strongly monotone operators, we derive a general convergence analysis. Furthermore, in the context of numerical solution schemes for nonlinear partial differential equations, we propose a combination of the iterative linearization approach and the classical Galerkin discretization method, thereby giving rise to the so-called iterative linearization Galerkin (ILG) methodology. Moreover, still on an abstract level, based on two different elliptic reconstruction techniques, we derive a posteriori error estimates which separately take into account the discretization and linearization errors. Furthermore, we propose an adaptive algorithm, which provides an efficient interplay between these two effects. In addition, the ILG approach will be applied to the specific context of finite element discretizations of quasilinear elliptic equations, and some numerical experiments will be performed.


47H10 Fixed-point theorems
65N30 Finite element, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs
47J25 Iterative procedures involving nonlinear operators
47H05 Monotone operators and generalizations
49M15 Newton-type methods
65J15 Numerical solutions to equations with nonlinear operators




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