
Data assimilation and uncertainty assessment for complex geological models using a new PCA-based parameterization. (English) Zbl 1392.86057

Summary: In this paper, a recently developed parameterization procedure based on principal component analysis (PCA), which is referred to as optimization-based PCA (O-PCA), is generalized for use with a wide range of geological systems. In O-PCA, the mapping between the geological model in the full-order space and the low-dimensional subspace is framed as an optimization problem. The O-PCA optimization involves the use of regularization and bound constraints, which act to extend substantially the ability of PCA to model complex (non-Gaussian) systems. The basis matrix required by O-PCA is formed using a set of prior realizations generated by a geostatistical modeling package. We show that, by varying the form of the O-PCA regularization terms, different types of geological scenarios can be represented. Specific systems considered include binary-facies, three-facies and bimodal channelized models, and bimodal deltaic fan models. The O-PCA parameterization can be applied to generate random realizations, though our focus here is on its use for data assimilation. For this application, O-PCA is combined with the randomized maximum likelihood (RML) method to provide a subspace RML procedure that can be applied to non-Gaussian models. This approach provides multiple history-matched models, which enables an estimate of prediction uncertainty. A gradient procedure based on adjoints is used for the minimization required by the subspace RML method. The gradient of the O-PCA mapping is determined analytically or semi-analytically, depending on the form of the regularization terms. Results for two-dimensional oil-water systems, for several different geological scenarios, demonstrate that the use of O-PCA and RML enables the generation of posterior reservoir models that honor hard data, retain the large-scale connectivity features of the geological system, match historical production data, and provide an estimate of prediction uncertainty. MATLAB code for the O-PCA procedure, along with examples for three-facies and bimodal models, is included as online Supplementary Material.


86A60 Geological problems
86A22 Inverse problems in geophysics
60G60 Random fields
90C30 Nonlinear programming
94A08 Image processing (compression, reconstruction, etc.) in information and communication theory


SNOPT; SGeMS; Matlab
Full Text: DOI


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