
Automorphisms in varieties of groups. (English) Zbl 0827.20046

If \(N\) is a characteristic subgroup of the group \(G\), then each automorphism of \(G\) induces an automorphism on \(G/N\) and so there is a homomorphism \(\pi:\text{Aut}(G)\to\text{Aut}(G/N)\). Thus if \(V\) is a variety of groups, \(V(F_n)\) the verbal subgroup corresponding to \(V\) and \(F_n(V)\cong F_n/V(F)\) the relatively free group of \(V\) of rank \(n\), then there is the homomorphism \(\pi:\text{Aut}(F_n)\to\text{Aut}(F_n(V))\). The automorphisms of \(F_n(V)\) which belong to the image of \(\pi\) are called tame automorphisms of \(F_n(V)\). The problem, which has drawn recently considerable attention, is for which varieties \(V\) and integers \(n\) the group \(F_n(V)\) has non- tame automorphisms.
After giving some examples, the authors restrict themselves to considering only IA-automorphisms, i.e. automorphisms which induce the identity automorphism on the derived factor group \(G/G'\). Their main result says that: (i) If \([x_1,x_2,x_1]\) is a law of the variety \(V\), then every IA-automorphism of \(F_n(V)\) is tame and in fact is induced by an IA-automorphism of \(F_n\). (ii) If \([x_1,x_2,x_1]\) is not a law of \(V\) and \(V\) is a variety which is either locally finite or locally nilpotent, then \(F_n(V)\) has non-tame IA- automorphisms for \(n\geq 2\) and one of them is given explicitly in the latter case.


20E36 Automorphisms of infinite groups
20E10 Quasivarieties and varieties of groups
20F18 Nilpotent groups
20E05 Free nonabelian groups
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