
L’Enseignement Mathématique and its internationalist ambitions during the turmoil of WWI and the 1920s. (English) Zbl 1508.01015

Mazliak, Laurent (ed.) et al., Mathematical communities in the reconstruction after the Great War 1918–1928. Trajectories and institution. Based on the international meeting, Marseilles, November 2018. Cham: Birkhäuser. Trends Hist. Sci., 63-88 (2021).
This paper investigates how the journal L’Enseignement Mathématique (EM) could maintain its focus on international development during World War I and the following decade. In particular, the bibliography section (containing reviews of publications) and the section on the CIEM activities (Commission internationale pour l’enseignement mathématique) of the journal are examined. One can see from these reviews and reports that EM held a quite neutral political orientation during the war and the years after the war. The international scope and the number of reviewed periodicals was even broadened after the war time. From 1908 to 1923 EM was the official organ of CIEM. Whereas during the war EM still referred to activities of national sub-commissions, from 1920 to 1928 the CIEM was practically dissolved, and after 1928, when it was established again, work was only resumed at a less intensive level. As a result of this development, the influence of CIEM waned, and EM changed from a journal with a particular interest in math education to a journal focusing rather on “classic” mathematics.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1483.01004].


01A60 History of mathematics in the 20th century
97-03 History of mathematics education
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[1] launching a subscription campaign (see Frédéric Brechenmacher’s talk, CIRMATH workshop, Paris, 6/2/2017).
[2] For more on the Rockefeller Foundation’s activity in Europe after the First World War, see Siegmund-Schultze (2001).
[3] Letter dated April 20, 1927: «Mais les AT (sic) sont dans le marasme et nous ne pouvons plus publier que 180 pages par an. … Les temps sont effroyablement durs. Avant la guerre, nous avions 480 pages par volume. […] aux AT le comité a décidé de ne publier gratis que 48 p. par auteur. Le supplément vaut 50 f la page. C’est déjà effrayant à dire!». Fonds Cartan, 6.26/14.
[4] Letter dated November 11, 1927: «C’est aussi compliqué que si l’on voulait élire quelqu’un professeur […] des personnalités comme vous comme Villat écrivent lettres sur lettres, envoient des recommandations par toutes les voies… Vraiment c’est trop» Fonds Cartan, 6.26/22.
[5] Letter dated November 26, 1928: «l’encombrement des périodiques mathématiques est fou en ce moment». Fonds Cartan 6.26/29.
[6] A report quoted in Siegmund-Schultze (1993, 18-19 and 212-214).
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