
Large deformations of elastic conical shells. (English) Zbl 0558.73058

Flexible shells, theory and applications, Munich 1984, Euromech. Colloq. 165, 257-270 (1984).
Axisymmetric conical shells under axial forces are investigated. A geometrically nonlinear approach leads to the Reissner-Meissner equations, which allow the calculation of large deformations. These two nonlinear second order equations have been integrated by a matrix method, suggested by E. L. Axelrad [Shell theory (German). Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner (1983; Zbl 0537.73052)]. Another effective solution, suitable for a small computer, uses the Runge-Kutta-integration combined with an iteration program for the unknown boundary values. Useful results for the practical design of conical springs have been published, which give slight corrections to the famous paper of 1936 of J. O. Almen and A. Laszlo [The uniform-section disk spring. Trans. ASME 58, 305–314 (1936)]. While conical springs are rather flat and thick, the presented theory can be used for steep and thin shells. Then the “spring-characteristics”, the force-deflection curves, become very complicated and their stability must be discussed. A simple criterion of stability is derived here out of the Dirichlet definition. Presented as a problem of catastrophe theory, interesting curves in the parameter plane are obtained.
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0542.00017.]


74K15 Membranes