
Neural correlates of human-machine trust in autonomous vehicles context. (English) Zbl 07916512

Bountis, Tassos (ed.) et al., Chaos, fractals and complexity. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 8th summer school-conference on dynamical systems and complexity, Crete, Greece, July 18–26, 2022. Cham: Springer. Springer Proc. Complex., 245-262 (2023).
Summary: Poor mental states-such as fatigue, low vigilance and low trust-in-automation-have been known to interfere with the appropriate use and interaction with vehicular automation. This has spurred strong interest in driver state monitoring systems (DSMS) that support adaptive interfacing between human drivers and automated driving system to enhance road safety and driver experience. While there have been thriving developments in fatigue and vigilance monitoring, research on trust monitoring is still in its infancy. Trust-in-automation has predominantly been measured subjectively via self-report measures, with fewer studies attempting to measure trust objectively owing to the difficulties in capturing this relatively abstract mental state. Nevertheless, recent progress has unveiled promising potential for objective trust monitoring that can be implemented in future intelligent vehicles. This review presents a framework for understanding the cognitive, affective and behavioural components of driver trust, and surveys current approaches and developments in objective trust measurement in autonomous vehicle contexts using behavioural and brain-based techniques. Approaches are evaluated for strengths and limitations in both their conceptual validity in capturing trust-relevant information, measure reliability, and their practical value in real-world driving settings. Future directions for improving trust monitoring towards practical implementation are also discussed.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1533.37005].


37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
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