
An interior-point implementation developed and tuned for radiation therapy treatment planning. (English) Zbl 1387.90124

Summary: While interior-point methods share the same fundamentals, the implementation determines the actual performance. In order to attain the highest efficiency, different applications may require differently tuned implementations. In this paper we describe an implementation specifically designed for optimisation in radiation therapy. These problems are large-scale nonlinear (and sometimes nonconvex) constrained optimisation problems, consisting of both sparse and dense data. Several application-specific properties are exploited to enhance efficiency. Permuting, tiling and mixed precision arithmetic allow the algorithm to optimally process the mixed dense and sparse data matrices (making this step 2.2 times faster, and overall runtime reduction of \(55\%\)) and scalability (16 threads resulted in a speed-up factor of 9.8 compared to singlethreaded performance, against a speed-up factor of 7.7 for the less optimised implementation). Predefined cost-functions are hard-coded and the computationally expensive second derivatives are written in canonical form, and combined if multiple cost-functions are defined for the same clinical structure. The derivatives are then computed using a scaled matrix-matrix product. A cheap initialisation strategy based on the background knowledge reduces the number of iterations by \(11\%\). We also propose a novel combined Mehrotra-Gondzio approach. The algorithm is extensively tested on a dataset consisting of 120 patients, distributed over 6 tumour sites/approaches. This test dataset is made publicly available.


90C06 Large-scale problems in mathematical programming
90C25 Convex programming
90C26 Nonconvex programming, global optimization
90C30 Nonlinear programming
90C51 Interior-point methods
90C90 Applications of mathematical programming
97M40 Operations research, economics (aspects of mathematics education)
97M60 Biology, chemistry, medicine (aspects of mathematics education)


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