
Gravitation and electromagnetism as geometrical objects of a Riemann-Cartan spacetime structure. (English) Zbl 1260.83028

Summary: In this paper we first show that any coupled system consisting of a gravitational plus a free electromagnetic field can be described geometrically in the sense that both Maxwell equations and Einstein equation having as source term the energy-momentum of the electromagnetic field can be derived from a geometrical Lagrangian proportional to the scalar curvature \(R\) of a particular kind of Riemann-Cartan spacetime structure. In our model the gravitational and electromagnetic fields are identified as geometrical objects of the structure.We show moreover that the contorsion tensor of the particular Riemann-Cartan spacetime structure of our theory encodes the same information as the one contained in Chern-Simons term \(A\wedge dA\) that is proportional to the spin density of the electromagnetic field. Next we show that by adding to the geometrical Lagrangian a term describing the interaction of a electromagnetic current with a general electromagnetic field plus the gravitational field, together with a term describing the matter carrier of the current we get Maxwell equations with source term and Einstein equation having as source term the sum of the energy-momentum tensors of the electromagnetic and matter terms. Finally modeling by dust charged matter the carrier of the electromagnetic current we get the Lorentz force equation. Moreover, we prove that our theory is gauge invariant. We also briefly discuss our reasons for the present enterprise.


83C22 Einstein-Maxwell equations
83E05 Geometrodynamics and the holographic principle
83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein’s, including asymmetric field theories
78A25 Electromagnetic theory (general)
70S05 Lagrangian formalism and Hamiltonian formalism in mechanics of particles and systems


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