
BrepMFR: enhancing machining feature recognition in B-rep models through deep learning and domain adaptation. (English) Zbl 07873100

Summary: Feature Recognition (FR) plays a crucial role in modern digital manufacturing, serving as a key technology for integrating Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Process Planning (CAPP) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) systems. The emergence of deep learning methods in recent years offers a new approach to address challenges in recognizing highly intersecting features with complex geometric shapes. However, due to the high cost of labeling real CAD models, neural networks are usually trained on computer-synthesized datasets, resulting in noticeable performance degradation when applied to real-world CAD models. Therefore, we propose a novel deep learning network, BrepMFR, designed for Machining Feature Recognition (MFR) from Boundary Representation (B-rep) models. We transform the original B-rep model into a graph representation as network-friendly input, incorporating local geometric shape and global topological relationships. Leveraging a graph neural network based on Transformer architecture and graph attention mechanism, we extract the feature representation of high-level semantic information to achieve machining feature recognition. Additionally, employing a two-step training strategy under a transfer learning framework, we enhance BrepMFR’s generalization ability by adapting synthetic training data to real CAD data. Furthermore, we establish a large-scale synthetic CAD model dataset inclusive of 24 typical machining features, showcasing diversity in geometry that closely mirrors real-world mechanical engineering scenarios. Extensive experiments across various datasets demonstrate that BrepMFR achieves state-of-the-art machining feature recognition accuracy and performs effectively on CAD models of real-world mechanical parts.


65Dxx Numerical approximation and computational geometry (primarily algorithms)
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