
Exploring new models in all detail with SARAH. (English) Zbl 1366.83027

Summary: I give an overview about the features the Mathematica package SARAH provides to study new models. In general, SARAH can handle a wide range of models beyond the MSSM coming with additional chiral superfields, extra gauge groups, or distinctive features like Dirac gaugino masses. All of these models can be implemented in a compact form in SARAH and are easy to use: SARAH extracts all analytical properties of the given model like two-loop renormalization group equations, tadpole equations, mass matrices, and vertices. Also one- and two-loop corrections to tadpoles and self-energies can be obtained. For numerical calculations SARAH can be interfaced with other tools to get the mass spectrum, to check flavour or dark matter constraints, and to test the vacuum stability or to perform collider studies. In particular, the interface to SPheno allows a precise prediction of the Higgs mass in a given model comparable to MSSM precision by incorporating the important two-loop corrections. I show in great detail with the example of the B-L-SSM how SARAH together with SPheno, HiggsBounds/HiggsSignals, FlavorKit, Vevacious, CalcHep, MicrOmegas, WHIZARD, and MadGraph can be used to study all phenomenological aspects of a model.


83C47 Methods of quantum field theory in general relativity and gravitational theory
81T13 Yang-Mills and other gauge theories in quantum field theory
81V22 Unified quantum theories


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