
Gauge unification in extra dimensions: power corrections vs. higher dimension operators. (English) Zbl 1124.81311

Summary: Power-like loop corrections to gauge couplings are a generic feature of higher-dimensional field theories. In supersymmetric grand unified theories in \(d=5\) dimensions, such corrections arise only in the presence of a vacuum expectation value of the adjoint scalar of the gauge multiplet. We show that, using the analysis of the exact quantum effective action by Intriligator, Morrison and Seiberg, these power corrections can be understood as the effect of higher dimension operators. Such operators, both classical and quantum, are highly constrained by gauge symmetry and supersymmetry. As a result, even non-perturbatively large contributions to gauge coupling unification can be unambiguously determined within 5d low-energy effective field theory. Since no massive hypermultiplet matter exists in 6 dimensions, the predictivity is further enhanced by embedding the 5d model in a 6d gauge theory relevant at smaller distances. Thus, large and quantitatively controlled power-law contributions to gauge couplings arise naturally and can, in the most extreme case, lead to calculable TeV-scale power law unification. We identify a simple 5d \(\text{SU}(5)\) model with one massless 10 in the bulk where the power-law effect is exactly MSSM-like.


81V22 Unified quantum theories
81T13 Yang-Mills and other gauge theories in quantum field theory




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