
The effectiveness of non-standard monetary policy in addressing liquidity risk during the financial crisis: the experiences of the federal reserve and the European central bank. (English) Zbl 1402.91538

Summary: A number of studies sought to measure the effects of non-standard policy on bank funding markets. This paper carries those estimates a step further by looking at the effects of bank funding market stress on the volume of bank lending. By separately modeling loan supply and demand, we determine how non-standard central bank measures affected bank lending by reducing stress in bank funding markets. Our results suggest that non-standard policy measures lowered bank funding volatility in the US and the Euro Area. Lower bank funding volatility in turn increased loan supply in both regions, contributing to sustained lending activity.


91B74 Economic models of real-world systems (e.g., electricity markets, etc.)
91B64 Macroeconomic theory (monetary models, models of taxation)


xtabond2; Stata
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