
Nonexistence of standard compact Clifford-Klein forms of homogeneous spaces of exceptional Lie groups. (English) Zbl 1432.57065

Compact Clifford-Klein forms of homogeneous spaces of simple exceptional Lie groups are considered. There is one special construction of Clifford-Klein forms. Let \(G\) be a semisimple linear real Lie group. Let us suppose that there exists a reductive noncompact Lie subgroup \(L \subset G\) such that \(L\) acts properly on \(G/H\) and \(L \setminus G/H\) is compact. Then for any co-compact torsion-free lattice \(\Gamma \subset L\) the space \(\Gamma \setminus G/H\) is the compact Clifford-Klein form, which called standard Clifford-Klein form for \(G/H\).
It is proved in this article that if \(G\) is a simple linear real Lie group of exceptional type, \(H \subset G\) is a reductive non-compact subgroup such that \(G/H\) is noncompact, then \(G/H\) does not admit standard compact Clifford-Klein forms. It is dome with using computer algebra system GAP and some special algorithms of classifying semisimple subalgebras in simple Lie algebras and some databases. The authors created a special plugin CKForms, avaiable online, which uses two plugins – SLA and CoReLG. Also Kobayashi’s criterion for properness of the Lie group action is used.


57S30 Discontinuous groups of transformations
22F30 Homogeneous spaces
22E40 Discrete subgroups of Lie groups
17B20 Simple, semisimple, reductive (super)algebras
22-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to topological groups




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