
The iterated transfer analogue of the new doomsday conjecture. (English) Zbl 0932.55012

The main result of the article concerns the stable mod \(p\) Hurewicz image of classifying spaces of elementary abelian \(p\)-groups \(V\) of finite rank, say \(s\). More precisely, if \(n\) is a natural number and \(p\) a prime the author gives an algebraic condition on \(s,p\) and \(n\) which forces the stable Hurewicz map \(\pi^s_{2n-s}(BV_+) \to H_{2n-s}(BV;Z/p)\) to be trivial. His result puts a rather strong condition on the stable Hurewicz image, e.g. taken together with the Kahn-Priddy theorem [D. S. Kahn and S. B. Priddy, Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 78, 981-987 (1972; Zbl 0265.55009)] it implies the Adams Hopf invariant one theorem. It also implies that for all \(s\) there is some integer \(n(s)\) such that no non-trivial element in the image of \[ ({\mathcal P}^0)^{n(s)}(\text{Ext}_{A_*}^{s,*}(Z/p,Z/p)) \subset \text{Ext}_{A_*}^{s,p^{n(s)}*}(Z/p,Z/p) \] comes from \(\pi^s_{p^{n(s)*}-s}(BV_+)\) via the \(s\)-fold iterated transfer. The last statement is called the iterated transfer analogue of the new doomsday conjecture.
To obtain his result the author is looking at the map \(BP_{2n-s}BV \to H_{2n-s}(BV;Z/p)\) and the induced map on the primitive parts \(P(BP_{2n-s}BV) \to P(H_{2n-s}(BV;Z/p))\). He generalizes Kamenko’s reduction theorem to arbitrary prime numbers and uses it in conjunction with the Adams spectral sequence to conclude that elements in \(P(BP_{2n-s}BV)\) with non-trivial image in \(P(H_{2n-s}(BV;Z/p))\) must have high \(p\)-exponent provided the algebraic condition on \(s,p\) and \(n\) holds. On the other hand he shows (using \(BP\)-Adams operations) that the algebraic condition guarantees that such elements must have comparatively small \(p\)-exponent. It follows that the map \(P(BP_{2n-s}BV) \to P(H_{2n-s}(BV;Z/p))\) must be the trivial map, which then implies the result.


55Q10 Stable homotopy groups
55R35 Classifying spaces of groups and \(H\)-spaces in algebraic topology
55T15 Adams spectral sequences
55R12 Transfer for fiber spaces and bundles in algebraic topology
55Q45 Stable homotopy of spheres
55N22 Bordism and cobordism theories and formal group laws in algebraic topology


Zbl 0265.55009
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