
Periodic continued fractions and hyperelliptic curves. (English) Zbl 1149.14020

This paper considers periodic continued fractions of the form \[ \phi(\lambda)=b_ 0+{\lambda-\alpha_ 1\over{b_ 1 + {\lambda-\alpha_ 2\over {\ddots b_{N-1}+{\lambda-\alpha_N\over b_N-b_0+\phi}}}}} \] which occur in the study of integrable systems and associated periodic dressing chains. Here \(\{\alpha_i\}\) is a fixed \(N\)-periodic sequence \((\alpha_{N+i}=\alpha_i,\quad i \geq 1)\) which is the fundamental datum, \(\{b_i\}\) is a second sequence of complex numbers, \(N\)-periodic from \(i=1\), and \(\lambda\) is a formal parameter. The authors call this a “periodic \(\alpha\)-fraction”. Convergence is not discussed but, quite formally, periodicity of the fraction implies that \(\phi\) satisfies a quadratic equation \(A(\lambda)\phi^2+2B(\lambda)\phi+ C(\lambda)=0\), where \(A,B,C\) are polynomials in \(\lambda\) with coefficients depending polynomially on the \(b_i,\alpha_i\). Thus \(\phi = -B+\sqrt{R(\lambda}/A\) where \(R=B^2-AC\), so that \(\phi\) is an algebraic function on the hyperelliptic curve \(y^2=R(\lambda)\).
The following questions are addressed:
(1) Which algebraic functions of the form \(\phi\) admit \(N\)-periodic \(\alpha\)-fraction expansions?
(2) How many such expansions are there for given \(\phi\) and how does one find them?
(3) What is the geometry of the set of functions \(\phi\) from a given hyperelliptic extension (i.e. with \(R\) fixed) which admit periodic \(\alpha\)-fraction expansions?
Answers are given assuming odd \(N\), and all \(\alpha_i\) distinct. Briefly, let \(\mathcal{A}=\prod (\lambda-\alpha_i) \). A polynomial \(R(\lambda)\) of degree \(N=2g+1\) is called \(\mathcal A\)-admissible if there exists a polynomial \(S\) of degree \(\leq g\) such that \(R=S^2+\mathcal A\). Then, if \(\phi\) has an \(N\)-periodic \(\alpha\)-expansion, the polynomials \(A,B,C\) introduced above satisfy: \(\deg B\leq g\), \(A\) is monic of degree \(g\), \(-C\) is monic of degree \(g+1\) and \(R=B^2-AC\) is \(\mathcal A\)-admissible.
Conversely, for an open dense subset of such triples the corresponding function has exactly two \(\alpha\)-periodic expansions, which can be found by an effective matrix factorization procedure.(The pure periodic case (\(b_N=b_0)\) is exceptional in that there is a unique expansion). This answers questions 1 and 2. An action of \({\mathbb Z}_2\times S_n\) on the fractions is also discussed. Question 3 is answered by relating the set of triples \((A,B,C)\) with \(R\) fixed and \(\mathcal A\)-admissible to the Jacobian of the hyperelliptic curve \(y^2=R\).
Reviewer’s remark. Three types of periodic continued fraction have made appearances in connection with periodicity phenomena in integrable systems: Stieltjes fractions, in [P. van Moerbeke, Invent. Math. 37, 45–81 (1976; Zbl 0361.15010)], the “usual” type (i.e. defined by analogy with \(\mathbb R\) for finite-tailed Laurent series with uniformising parameter \(1/\lambda\)) in [S. A. Andrea and T. G. Berry, Linear Algebra Appl. 161, 117–134 (1992; Zbl 0760.65036)] and finally the fractions of the present paper. Is there some unifying principle to be found?


14H05 Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry
14H40 Jacobians, Prym varieties
30B70 Continued fractions; complex-analytic aspects