
Distance geometry and data science. (English) Zbl 1511.51006

Tha aim of this large paper is to discuss various approaches to the basic distance geometry problem and its applications in data science, thereby visiting many current highlights in optimization research.
First the field of mathematical programming is formalized and classified, including reformulations, relaxations and approximations. Then distance geometry is defined as the NP-hard problem of embedding an undirected edge-weighted graph in Euclidean space of given dimension such that the weights equal the corresponding vertex distances, with applications in engineering, protein folding and data mining, the last being further developed.
After showing how different kinds of data, such as process descriptions, text, databases and abductive inference, may be represented as weighted graphs, it is argued that the particular data science tasks of classification and clustering may be applied to graph-data after vectorization by distance geometry, using e.g. \(k\)-means or artificial neural networks, while clustering of the vertices of a graph may be done using spectral or modularity clustering.
Several mathematical programming methods for obtaining robust approximate solutions to distance geometry are detailed for the usual case of perturbed weight data. An unconstrained quartic formulation minimizing the sum of squared square-differences, and two constrained variants may be tackled by a local nonlinear solver. A relaxation of distance geometry may be cast into a semidefinite programming problem solvable for low dimension by interior point methods, which for high dimensions may be further relaxed to diagonally dominant form yielding a linear program. Some fast exact, but very high dimensional embeddings may be obtained by incidence vectors, the Frechet max-norm embedding, or by multidimensional scaling.
Embedding dimension may be reduced using principal component analysis, Isomap, Barvinok’s probabilistic ‘naive method’, and finally by random projections using the fact that these preserve (euclidean) norms on average.
Very disturbing for most of these methods is the phenomenon of distance instability and concentration of distances in high dimension: it is shown that as dimension increases the difference between smallest and largest distance between pairs of points tends to zero in probability.
The survey ends in an exercise of natural language clustering by way of artificial neural networks, comparing several of the techniques described.


51K05 General theory of distance geometry
90C26 Nonconvex programming, global optimization
90C22 Semidefinite programming
68R12 Metric embeddings as related to computational problems and algorithms
68T07 Artificial neural networks and deep learning
68W20 Randomized algorithms
62H30 Classification and discrimination; cluster analysis (statistical aspects)
62R07 Statistical aspects of big data and data science


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