
PyMOR – generic algorithms and interfaces for model order reduction. (English) Zbl 1352.65453

Summary: Reduced basis methods are projection-based model order reduction techniques for reducing the computational complexity of solving parametrized partial differential equation problems. In this work we discuss the design of pyMOR, a freely available software library of model order reduction algorithms, in particular reduced basis methods, implemented with the Python programming language. As its main design feature, all reduction algorithms in pyMOR are implemented generically via operations on well-defined vector array, operator, and discretization interface classes. This allows for an easy integration with existing open-source high-performance partial differential equation solvers without adding any model reduction specific code to these solvers. Besides an in-depth discussion of pyMOR’s design philosophy and architecture, we present several benchmark results and numerical examples showing the feasibility of our approach.


65N22 Numerical solution of discretized equations for boundary value problems involving PDEs
65Y15 Packaged methods for numerical algorithms
65Y20 Complexity and performance of numerical algorithms
35L03 Initial value problems for first-order hyperbolic equations
35J20 Variational methods for second-order elliptic equations
68N01 General topics in the theory of software


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