
Dynamical symmetries, coherent states and nonlinear realizations: towards noncommutative gravity. (English) Zbl 1537.81130

Summary: Based on the gravity model as a gauge theory previously by the authors, the introduction of noncommutative structures in the very geometry is discussed and developed in a new different way. Taking into account a linear Lagrangian in curvature and considering a pair of coherent vectors responsible, among other things, for the symmetry breaking, the introduction of noncommutativity in the very structure of the geometry is achieved. The fact that the vectors are coherent states ensure not only the natural and total quantization of the model, but also the formulation of the noncommutative structure, in particular by the introduction of a star product from the convolutory properties thereof. This new star product, in a sharp contrast with other proposals, is independent of the Bargmann index or other parameters depending on the dimension of the representation of the structure group of the noncommutativity. We also explain in the same way that a matrix model, through the properties of these coherent vectors, can be easily formulated. The pros and cons of the implementation of star products versus a theory of matrices based on coset coherent states are briefly discussed.


81R30 Coherent states
81R15 Operator algebra methods applied to problems in quantum theory
81S10 Geometry and quantization, symplectic methods
83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
70S15 Yang-Mills and other gauge theories in mechanics of particles and systems
70H03 Lagrange’s equations
53D55 Deformation quantization, star products
42A85 Convolution, factorization for one variable harmonic analysis
20E34 General structure theorems for groups
15A04 Linear transformations, semilinear transformations
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