
Subgradient algorithm for computing contraction metrics for equilibria. (English) Zbl 1525.37087

Summary: We propose a subgradient algorithm for the computation of contraction metrics for systems with an exponentially stable equilibrium. We show that for sufficiently smooth systems our method is always able to compute a contraction metric on any forward-invariant compact neighbourhood of the equilibrium, which is a subset its basin of attraction. We demonstrate the applicability of our method by constructing contraction metrics for three planar and one three-dimensional systems.


37M22 Computational methods for attractors of dynamical systems
65P40 Numerical nonlinear stabilities in dynamical systems
93D05 Lyapunov and other classical stabilities (Lagrange, Poisson, \(L^p, l^p\), etc.) in control theory
37C75 Stability theory for smooth dynamical systems
39A30 Stability theory for difference equations
34D20 Stability of solutions to ordinary differential equations


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