
In silico analysis of antibody triggering biofilm associated protein in Acinetobacter baumannii. (English) Zbl 1407.92104

Summary: Acinetobacter baumannii surface protein, commonly known as biofilm associated protein (Bap), is involved in biofilm formation. A high propensity among the clinical isolates to form biofilm and a significant association of biofilms with multiple drug resistance has been demonstrated. Production of antibodies can be used for inhibition of biofilm and control of the diseases caused by A. baumannii. Large molecular mass of Bap justifies an approach to identifying A. baumannii effective antigens. It has a core domain of seven repeat modules A-G. With the large number of available biofilm gene sequences, bioinformatic tools are needed to identify the genes encoding the antigens. Proteins containing these tandem repeats of Bap domains have high propensities to attach to each other to form biofilm. We hypothesized that conserved and functional domains of tandem repeat could be identified with a search and alignment of the repeats for evaluation of antigenic determinants. Here we demonstrate the results of bioinformatics screening and gene scan of the gene sequence database of homolog sequences to identify conserved domains. Higher scoring hits were found in repeat modules mostly D, B, C and A, respectively. Upon the analysis four regions of highly structural and functional conserved regions from Bap sequence of A. baumannii were selected. 3D structure, antigenicity and solubility predictions revealed that these regions were appropriate candidates for antibody production.


92D20 Protein sequences, DNA sequences
92C37 Cell biology
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