
Apparition de motifs géométriques dans une membrane enzymatique. (French) Zbl 0572.92004

The paper presents an analysis of pattern formation for steady state solutions of a diffusion-reaction system. The study, motivated by morphogenesis in biology which shows similar features, is led using mathematical and numerical analysis. In particular the fundamental role played by sequential bifurcations is pointed out. A spatially uniform trivial steady state can lose its stability as the size of the geometrical domain varies.
The analysis enables to understand how an embryonic structure can undergo sequential cell differentiations. The bifurcated steady states are no more spatially uniform, so that the concentration field of a morphogen can induce cell differentiation in those regions where this concentration is above some level.
Reviewer: W.S.Barański


92B05 General biology and biomathematics
35B32 Bifurcations in context of PDEs
35K55 Nonlinear parabolic equations
92Cxx Physiological, cellular and medical topics


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