
Intention to use business intelligence tools in decision making processes: applying a UTAUT 2 model. (English) Zbl 07722455

Summary: The pressure on the speed of information processing ranks business intelligence technologies among the fastest growing decision support tools. The main goal of this article is, applying the UTAUT 2 (the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology), to verify the factors determining the implementation of business intelligence tools in business processes, especially decision-making, and their subsequent optimal use in business practice. The researched scheme was modified according to the specifics of business intelligence tools and was supplemented by user behaviour in decision-making. The verification was performed using a questionnaire survey based on UTAUT 2 theory and 152 respondents were included in the analysis. According to the results, the most important variable of influence on both the behavioural intention and the users’ behaviour itself in decision-making was the factor of habit. And surprisingly, some previously recognised links were not confirmed, especially the factors influencing the intention of behaviour (effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions). So, there is room after almost 10 years and experience gained during the Covid-19 pandemic to modify the latest version of a model.


90Bxx Operations research and management science
62H30 Classification and discrimination; cluster analysis (statistical aspects)


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