
Sparse additive function decompositions facing basis transforms. (English) Zbl 07927554

Summary: High-dimensional real-world systems can often be well characterized by a small number of simultaneous low-complexity interactions. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) decomposition and the anchored decomposition are typical techniques to find sparse additive decompositions of functions. In this paper, we are interested in a setting, where these decompositions are not directly sparse, but become so after an appropriate basis transform. Noting that the sparsity of those additive function decompositions is equivalent to the fact that most of its mixed partial derivatives vanish, we can exploit a connection to the underlying function graphs to determine an orthogonal transform that realizes the appropriate basis change. This is done in three steps: we apply singular value decomposition to minimize the number of vertices of the function graph, and joint block diagonalization techniques of families of matrices followed by sparse minimization based on relaxations of the zero “norm” for minimizing the number of edges. For the latter one, we propose and analyze minimization techniques over the manifold of special orthogonal matrices. Various numerical examples illustrate the reliability of our approach for functions having, after a basis transform, a sparse additive decomposition into summands with at most two variables.


26Bxx Functions of several variables
33F05 Numerical approximation and evaluation of special functions
58C05 Real-valued functions on manifolds
90C26 Nonconvex programming, global optimization
65Kxx Numerical methods for mathematical programming, optimization and variational techniques
65F25 Orthogonalization in numerical linear algebra
15B99 Special matrices


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