
Homogeneous inhibition is optimal for the phase precession of place cells in the CA1 field. (English) Zbl 1533.92016

Summary: Place cells are hippocampal neurons encoding the position of an animal in space. Studies of place cells are essential to understanding the processing of information by neural networks of the brain. An important characteristic of place cell spike trains is phase precession. When an animal is running through the place field, the discharges of the place cells shift from the ascending phase of the theta rhythm through the minimum to the descending phase. The role of excitatory inputs to pyramidal neurons along the Schaffer collaterals and the perforant pathway in phase precession is described, but the role of local interneurons is poorly understood. Our goal is estimating of the contribution of field CA1 interneurons to the phase precession of place cells using mathematical methods. The CA1 field is chosen because it provides the largest set of experimental data required to build and verify the model. Our simulations discover optimal parameters of the excitatory and inhibitory inputs to the pyramidal neuron so that it generates a spike train with the effect of phase precession. The uniform inhibition of pyramidal neurons best explains the effect of phase precession. Among interneurons, axo-axonal neurons make the greatest contribution to the inhibition of pyramidal cells.


92B20 Neural networks for/in biological studies, artificial life and related topics
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