
Group chasing tactics: how to catch a faster prey. (English) Zbl 1514.91116

Summary: We propose a bio-inspired, agent-based approach to describe the natural phenomenon of group chasing in both two and three dimensions. Using a set of local interaction rules we created a continuous-space and discrete-time model with time delay, external noise and limited acceleration. We implemented a unique collective chasing strategy, optimized its parameters and studied its properties when chasing a much faster, erratic escaper. We show that collective chasing strategies can significantly enhance the chasers’ success rate. Our realistic approach handles group chasing within closed, soft boundaries – in contrast with the periodic ones in most published literature – and resembles several properties of pursuits observed in nature, such as emergent encircling or the escaper’s zigzag motion.


91C20 Clustering in the social and behavioral sciences
91D10 Models of societies, social and urban evolution
92B25 Biological rhythms and synchronization
34K11 Oscillation theory of functional-differential equations
92C40 Biochemistry, molecular biology


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