
Detailed study of a moving average trading rule. (English) Zbl 1483.91221

Summary: We present a detailed study of the performance of a trading rule that uses moving averages of past returns to predict future returns on stock indexes. Our main goal is to link performance and the stochastic process of the traded asset. Our study reports short-, medium- and long-term effects by looking at the Sharpe ratio (SR). We calculate the Sharpe ratio of our trading rule as a function of the probability distribution function of the underlying traded asset and compare it with data. We show that if the performance is mainly due to presence of autocorrelation in the returns of the traded assets, the SR as a function of the portfolio formation period (look-back) is very different from performance due to the drift (average return). The SR shows that for look-back periods of a few months the investor is more likely to tap into autocorrelation. However, for look-back larger than few months, the drift of the asset becomes progressively more important. Finally, our empirical work reports a new long-term effect, namely oscillation of the SR and proposes a non-stationary model to account for such oscillations.


91G15 Financial markets
62P05 Applications of statistics to actuarial sciences and financial mathematics


fpp; R


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