
LSOS: line-search second-order stochastic optimization methods for nonconvex finite sums. (English) Zbl 1511.65048

Summary: We develop a line-search second-order algorithmic framework for minimizing finite sums. We do not make any convexity assumptions, but require the terms of the sum to be continuously differentiable and have Lipschitz-continuous gradients. The methods fitting into this framework combine line searches and suitably decaying step lengths. A key issue is a two-step sampling at each iteration, which allows us to control the error present in the line-search procedure. Stationarity of limit points is proved in the almost-sure sense, while almost-sure convergence of the sequence of approximations to the solution holds with the additional hypothesis that the functions are strongly convex. Numerical experiments, including comparisons with state-of-the art stochastic optimization methods, show the efficiency of our approach.


65K05 Numerical mathematical programming methods
90C15 Stochastic programming
62L20 Stochastic approximation


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