
The dynamical theory of coevolution: A derivation from stochastic ecological processes. (English) Zbl 0845.92013

Summary: We develop a dynamical theory of coevolution in ecological communities. The derivation explicitly accounts for the stochastic components of evolutionary change and is based on ecological processes at the level of the individual. We show that the coevolutionary dynamic can be envisaged as a directed random walk in the community’s trait space. A quantitative description of this stochastic process in terms of a master equation is derived. By determining the first jump moment of this process we abstract the dynamics of the mean evolutionary path. To first order the resulting equation coincides with a dynamics that has frequently been assumed in evolutionary game theory. Apart from recovering this canonical equation we systematically establish the underlying assumptions. We provide higher order corrections and show that these can give rise to new, unexpected evolutionary effects including shifting evolutionary isoclines and evolutionary slowing down of mean paths as they approach evolutionary equilibria. Extensions of the derivation to more general ecological settings are discussed. In particular we allow for multi-trait coevolution and analyze coevolution under nonequilibrium population dynamics.


92D15 Problems related to evolution
92D40 Ecology
60G50 Sums of independent random variables; random walks
60J20 Applications of Markov chains and discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces (social mobility, learning theory, industrial processes, etc.)
Full Text: DOI


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