
Une propriété extrémale de suites automatiques. (French) Zbl 0562.54066

Journées arithmétiques, Orsay 1982, Publ. Math. Orsay 83-04, 1-7 (1983).
From the authors’ introduction: ”We study unimodal maps of the interval using a combinatorial approach. We propose to show the particular rôle played by certain sequences of zeros and ones (called q-reflective) and, among these, the rôle played by the Thue-Morse sequence. We apply the results to number theory. Proofs are omitted here. They will appear in a paper presently in preparation.”
Reviewer: W.L.Reddy


54H20 Topological dynamics (MSC2010)
11A63 Radix representation; digital problems
26A18 Iteration of real functions in one variable
11K16 Normal numbers, radix expansions, Pisot numbers, Salem numbers, good lattice points, etc.