
Ideal decompositions and computation of tensor normal forms. (English) Zbl 1003.20012

Author’s summary: Symmetry properties of \(r\)-times covariant tensors \(T\) can be described by certain linear subspaces \(W\) of the group ring \(\mathbb{K}[{\mathcal S}_r]\) of a symmetric group \({\mathcal S}_r\). If for a class of tensors \(T\) such a \(W\) is known, the elements of the orthogonal subspace \(W^\bot\) of \(W\) within the dual space \(\mathbb{K}[{\mathcal S}_r]^*\) of \(\mathbb{K}[{\mathcal S}_r]\) yield linear identities needed for a treatment of the term combination problem for the coordinates of the \(T\). We give the structure of these \(W\) for every situation which appears in symbolic tensor calculations by computer. Characterizing idempotents of such \(W\) can be determined by means of an ideal decomposition algorithm which works in every semisimple ring up to an isomorphism. Furthermore, we use tools such as the Littlewood-Richardson rule, plethysms and discrete Fourier transforms for \({\mathcal S}_r\) to increase the efficience of calculations. All described methods were implemented in a Mathematica package called PERMS.


20C30 Representations of finite symmetric groups
15A72 Vector and tensor algebra, theory of invariants
20C05 Group rings of finite groups and their modules (group-theoretic aspects)
05E10 Combinatorial aspects of representation theory
68W30 Symbolic computation and algebraic computation
20C40 Computational methods (representations of groups) (MSC2010)