
Hamilton-Jacobi hydrodynamics of pulsating relativistic stars. (English) Zbl 1478.83045

Summary: The dynamics of self-gravitating fluid bodies is described by the Euler-Einstein system of partial differential equations. The break-down of well-posedness on the fluid-vacuum interface remains a challenging open problem, which is manifested in simulations of oscillating or inspiraling binary neutron-stars. We formulate and implement a well-posed canonical hydrodynamic scheme, suitable for neutron-star simulations in numerical general relativity. The scheme uses a variational principle by Carter-Lichnerowicz stating that barotropic fluid motions are conformally geodesic and Helmholtz’s third theorem stating that initially irrotational flows remain irrotational. We apply this scheme in 3 + 1 numerical general relativity to evolve the canonical momentum of a fluid element via the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. We explore a regularization scheme for the Euler equations, that uses a fiducial atmosphere in hydrostatic equilibrium and allows the pressure to vanish, while preserving strong hyperbolicity on the vacuum boundary. The new regularization scheme resolves a larger number of radial oscillation modes compared to standard, non-equilibrium atmosphere treatments.


83C27 Lattice gravity, Regge calculus and other discrete methods in general relativity and gravitational theory
83C55 Macroscopic interaction of the gravitational field with matter (hydrodynamics, etc.)
70H20 Hamilton-Jacobi equations in mechanics
85A15 Galactic and stellar structure
65F22 Ill-posedness and regularization problems in numerical linear algebra
49S05 Variational principles of physics
49J20 Existence theories for optimal control problems involving partial differential equations


NumPy; SciPy; HE-E1GODF


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