
Development of POD-based reduced order models applied to shallow water equations using augmented Riemann solvers. (English) Zbl 1539.76136

Summary: Reduced-order models (ROMs) based on the proper orthogonal decomposition have been proposed to reduce the computational resources required by the full-order models (FOMs) to approximate partial differential equations. In this paper a Roe-based ROM is developed to solve the shallow water equations in presence of source terms more efficiently than the Roe-based FOM. The well-balanced property and other numerical corrections such as the entropy fix and the wet-dry treatment are taken into account using augmented Riemann solvers to build the Roe-based FOM. In addition to this, a time averaging approach is necessary to develop the Roe-based ROM. This approach is validated by solving some cases and the computed solutions are compared with those ones of Lax-Friedrichs-based ROMs. It is also studied whether the ROM preserves or not the well-balancing, the entropy fix and the wet-dry treatment.


76M20 Finite difference methods applied to problems in fluid mechanics
65M70 Spectral, collocation and related methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
76B15 Water waves, gravity waves; dispersion and scattering, nonlinear interaction




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