
A Kripkean semantics for dynamic logic programming. (English) Zbl 0988.68030

Parigot, Michel (ed.) et al., Logic for programming and automated reasoning. 7th international conference, LPAR 2000, Reunion Island, France, November 6-10, 2000. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 1955, 469-486 (2000).
Summary: The main goal of the paper is to propose a tool for a semantic specification of program updates (in the context of dynamic logic programming paradigm). A notion of Kripke structure \({\mathcal K}_P\) associated with a generalized logic program \(P\) is introduced. It is shown that some paths in \({\mathcal K}_P\) specify stable models of \(P\) and vice versa, to each stable model of \(P\) corresponds a path in \({\mathcal K}_P\). An operation on Kripke structures is defined: for Kripke structures \({\mathcal K}_P\) and \({\mathcal K}_U\) associated with \(P\) (the original program) and \(U\) (the updating program), respectively, a Kripke structure \({\mathcal K}_{P\oplus U}\) is constructed. \({\mathcal K}_{P\oplus U}\) specifies (in a reasonable sense) a set of updates of \(P\) by \(U\). There is a variety of possibilities for a selection of an updated program.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 0952.00026].


68N17 Logic programming
68Q55 Semantics in the theory of computing
68T27 Logic in artificial intelligence
68T30 Knowledge representation