
Symmetrization functions and integral means. (Chinese. English summary) Zbl 0686.30007

Let G be a set on [-\(\pi\),\(\pi\) ] with Lebesgue measure \(| G| >0\) and let h(\(\theta)\) be a real function integrable on G. Define \[ T^*_ G(h(\theta))=\sup \int_{E}h(x)dx, \] where the superior is taken over all sets \(E\subset G\) with \(| E| =2\theta\). If \(G=[- \pi,\pi]\), then \(T^*_ G(h(\theta))=h^*(\theta)\), the Baernstein’s star-function. For any real \(\psi\), transfer \(G+\psi\) to be in [- \(\pi\),\(\pi\) ] by adding an integer time of \(\pi\). G is said to be symmetric if \[ T^*_{G+\psi}(\cos \theta)\leq T^*_ G(\cos \theta). \] Let S be the class of functions \(f(z)=z+..\). regular and univalent in \(| z| <1\), and P be the class of functions \(p(z)=1+..\). regular and having positive real part in \(| z| <1\). If G is a symmetric set and if \(\phi\) (t) is a nondecreasing convex function on \(-\infty <t<\infty\), the author proves that the maximum of the integral \[ \int_{G}\phi (\log | f^{(m)}(re^{i\theta})|)d\theta,\quad f\in F,\quad 0<r\leq 1, \] is attained for a certain extremal function in F, provided that F is one of the following subclasses of S: (a) starlike functions, (b) convex functions, (c) close-to-convex functions, and that F is P or is the class of typically-real functions.
Reviewer: Liu Liquan


30C45 Special classes of univalent and multivalent functions of one complex variable (starlike, convex, bounded rotation, etc.)
30E20 Integration, integrals of Cauchy type, integral representations of analytic functions in the complex plane