
Plane self stresses and projected polyhedra. I: The basic pattern. (English, French. English, French summaries) Zbl 0793.52006

It is always pleasant to see work of our mathematical ancestors continuing to contribute to our understanding of current problems. This paper is concerned with the relationship between planar frameworks and three dimensional polyhedra; the crucial links with the past are the Maxwell-Cremona relations. A bar framework in the plane is a finite graph \(G=(V;E)\) with \(v\) vertices and \(e\) edges, and a mapping \(p:V\to R^ 2\), such that \(p_ i\neq p_ j\) if \((i,j)\in E\); the framework is then denoted \(G(p)\). A self stress on \(G(p)\) is an assignment of scalars \(\omega_{ij}=\omega_{ji}\) for \((i,j)\in E\), such that \(\sum_ j\omega_{ij}(p_ j-p_ i)=0\) for each \(i\in V\), where the sum extends over those \(j\) for which \((i,j)\in E\); when all \(\omega_{ij}\neq 0\), the self stress is called full. If \(G\) is 3-connected and planar, it is isomorphic to the edge-graph of a convex polyhedron, and so there exists the edge-graph of the dual polyhedron. A framework is reciprocal to \(G(p)\) if it is dual in this sense, with corresponding edges perpendicular. It is Maxwell’s result that there exists a three-way connection: between full self stress on the planar framework \(G(p)\), there being a reciprocal diagram to that framework, and a spatial polyhedron of which the framework is a projection. In this paper, this result is explored in detail, and extended in various ways.


52C25 Rigidity and flexibility of structures (aspects of discrete geometry)
52B10 Three-dimensional polytopes