
Modelling nonlinear advertising policy. (English) Zbl 1091.91052

Laaksonen, Matti (ed.) et al., Contributions to management science, mathematics and modelling. Essays in honour of Professor Ilkka Virtanen. Vaasa: Universitas Wasaensis (ISBN 952-476-033-9). Acta Wasaensia 122, Mathematics 9, 79-84 (2004).
Summary: In this study there is investigated the effects of discrete versus continuous time modeling and time series analysis in delayed feedback dynamics. As an application we have a time delayed feedback model describing the relations between advertising and goodwill on the basis of Ostrusska-Luhta advertising capital model [I. Luhta, Structural Changes in a Complex System. A Chaos-analytic Study of a Nonlinear Advertising Policy. Acta Wasaensia 52. Mathematics 6. Operational Research. University of Vaasa (1997)]. The advertising function depends on the actual value and on the target value of a firm’s goodwill. One version of the model is introduced and analyzed using the concepts of maximal correlation and nonparametric regression analysis.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1033.90051].


91B60 Trade models
37N40 Dynamical systems in optimization and economics