
On Family Rigidity Theorems II. arXiv:math/9911035

Preprint, arXiv:math/9911035 [math.DG] (1999).
Summary: In LM, we proved a family version of the famous Witten rigidity theorems and several family vanishing theorems for elliptic genera. In this paper, we gerenalize our theorems LM in two directions. First we establish a family rigidity theorem for the Dirac operator on loop space twisted by general positive energy loop group representations. Second we prove a family rigidity theorem for spin^c-manifolds. Several vanishing theorems on both cases are also obtained.


14-XX Algebraic geometry
57Rxx Differential topology
91-XX Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences
22E67 Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment
58G10 Index theory and related fixed-point theorems [See also 19K56, 46L80] (MSC1991)
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