
Divisibility among power GCD matrices and among power LCM matrices on two coprime divisor chains. II. (English) Zbl 1222.11042

Q. Tan [Linear Multilinear Algebra 58, No. 5-6, 659–671 (2010; Zbl 1245.11037)] proved that if \(S\) consists of two coprime divisor chains and \(1\in S\), and if \(a|b\), then the power GCD matrix \((S^{a})\) divides the power GCD matrix \((S^{b})\) in the ring \(M_{h}(\mathbb{Z})\) of \(h \times h\) matrices over integers. Similar results for power LCM matrices and mixed cases were also obtained. In this paper, the authors treat the remanning case of \(1\not\in S\).


11C20 Matrices, determinants in number theory
11A05 Multiplicative structure; Euclidean algorithm; greatest common divisors
15B36 Matrices of integers


Zbl 1245.11037
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