
Miscellanea mathematica 6. Hrsg. von Bob van Rootselaar und Anna van der Lugt. (Miscellanea mathematica 6. Ed. by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt). (German) Zbl 0734.01024

Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe. Reihe II: Nachlaß. B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher, 4, 2. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog (ISBN 3-7728-0476-4). 223 S. (1991).
This volume continues the series of notebook transcriptions of which the publication began in 1990 (see Zbl 0711.01049). It contains the transcription of many notes which Bolzano made for himself during six months of 1814. He was largely inspired by reading various books of the time, most of which have not been of lasting significance. The principal topic is elementary geometry, with many considerations of line and plane, both straight and curved. Various deliberations are made on dimension and related topics such as limits. Pertinent matters arise from time to time in the theory of equations and in series. Perhaps the most interesting passages are those dealing with crinkly curves (pp. 79-85), and criticising L. Carnot’s interpretation of algebraic solutions to geometric problems (pp. 105-119). In the bibliography the editors have meshed together both editions of Carnot’s book on the calculus; but otherwise they have dealt with their responsibilities with all their usual meticulousness.


01A75 Collected or selected works; reprintings or translations of classics
01A55 History of mathematics in the 19th century