
\(R\)-matrices and Hopf algebra quotients. (English) Zbl 1113.16043

Let \((H,R)\) be a finite-dimensional quasitriangular Hopf algebra over a field \(k\) of characteristic zero. The map \(T_R\) from \(H^*\) to \(H\) which sends an \(f\) in \(H^*\) to \(f(R^2r^1)R^1r^2\) (\(R=r\) in \(H\otimes H\)) is a map of braided Hopf algebras, called the transmutation map. \((H,R)\) is called triangular if \(T_R\) is trivial, and factorizable if \(T_R\) is an isomorphism. The author studies certain quotients of \(H\). If \(C\) is a subcoalgebra of \(H^*\), let \(K_C\) be the subalgebra of \(H\) generated by \(T_R(C)\). \(K_C\) is a normal left coideal subalgebra of \(H\).
By a result of M. Takeuchi [Commun. Algebra 22, No. 7, 2503-2523 (1994; Zbl 0801.16041)], there is a Hopf ideal \(I_C\) of \(H\), and the quotient \(H/I_C\) is a quasitriangular Hopf algebra. When \(C\) is a Hopf subalgebra \(A\) of \(H^*\), then \(B=(H/I_C)^*\) can be considered as a Hopf subalgebra of \(H^*\). The author shows that \([H^*:A]\) divides \(\dim B\). Moreover, if \((H,R)\) is factorizable, then \((\dim A)(\dim B)=\dim H\), and \(A\) and \(B\) intersect in \(k1\). Results of this type are used to address the conjecture that a Hopf algebra whose dimension is square-free is semisimple. The author shows that if \((H,R)\) is quasitriangular of odd square-free dimension, then \(H\) is semisimple. In fact, \(H\) is a certain kind of group algebra and is cocommutative. The triangular and factorizable cases are considered separately, and then combined to obtain this result.


16W30 Hopf algebras (associative rings and algebras) (MSC2000)


Zbl 0801.16041