
Scattering theory for CMV matrices: Uniqueness, Helson-Szegő and strong Szegő theorems. (English) Zbl 1235.47029

The authors develop a scattering theory for CMV matrices, similar to the Faddeev-Marchenko theory. A necessary and sufficient condition is obtained for the uniqueness of the solution of the inverse scattering problem. The authors also obtain two sufficient conditions for uniqueness, which are connected with the Helson-Szegő and the strong Szegő theorems. The first condition is given in terms of the boundedness of a transformation operator associated with the CMV matrix. In the second case, this operator has a determinant. In both cases, the authors characterize the Verblunsky parameters of the CMV matrices as well as the corresponding spectral measures and scattering functions.


47B36 Jacobi (tridiagonal) operators (matrices) and generalizations
39A12 Discrete version of topics in analysis
47A40 Scattering theory of linear operators
30H15 Nevanlinna spaces and Smirnov spaces
30H10 Hardy spaces


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