
Skew fields. Theory of general division rings. Paperback reprint of the hardback edition 1995. (English) Zbl 1144.16002

Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications 57. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (ISBN 978-0-521-06294-7/pbk). xv, 500 p. (2008).
See the review of the original edition (1995) in Zbl 0840.16001.


16-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to associative rings and algebras
16K40 Infinite-dimensional and general division rings
16S10 Associative rings determined by universal properties (free algebras, coproducts, adjunction of inverses, etc.)
16E60 Semihereditary and hereditary rings, free ideal rings, Sylvester rings, etc.
16W60 Valuations, completions, formal power series and related constructions (associative rings and algebras)
16S35 Twisted and skew group rings, crossed products
16U20 Ore rings, multiplicative sets, Ore localization
12E15 Skew fields, division rings
12E05 Polynomials in general fields (irreducibility, etc.)


Zbl 0840.16001