
Darwinian standard model of physics obtains general relativity. (English) Zbl 1508.81495

Summary: A Darwinian perspective of the standard model of physics (SMP) quantum fields (QFs) is proposed, called the physics-cell (PC) approach. Because Darwinian evolution is not deterministic, the PC approach allows for the violation of the charge-parity-time symmetry. In the PC approach, the SMP laws are contained in the PCs which receive and emit QFs through the PCs’ outer surface which is necessarily constrained by Bekenstein’s surface-information limit. The establishment of gauge invariance-compatible communication protocol-agreements between the PCs obtains an average correlation of QFs that is equivalent to an asymmetric metric tensor with the symmetric component being equivalent to general relativity and the anti-symmetric component being very small but still large enough to allow for enough ex-nihilo mass-creation to explain dark matter. Based on experimental data, the PC minimum-size is \(1.5\cdot10^{-31}\) m which is similar to the scale at which the grand unified theory force convergence occurs. Plus, the cosmological constant energy density is equal to the energy density of the discreteness-correction QF alterations that constitute the dark energy and are caused by the finiteness of the PC time-step which equals \(5.0\cdot10^{-40}\) s, hence obtaining a PC maximum information processing rate of \(6.6\cdot10^{47}\) qubit/s. Moreover, the PC approach obtains that the minimum mass for black holes is \(2.1\cdot10^9\) larger than the maximum mass for which the no-hiding theorem can apply and that the maximum capacity for quantum computers is about \(29.0\cdot10^{12}\) qubit.


81P68 Quantum computation
81P05 General and philosophical questions in quantum theory
83C99 General relativity
83F05 Relativistic cosmology


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