
Kac-Moody groups and cluster algebras. (English) Zbl 1232.17035

This article can be regarded as the culmination of a deep, involved project of the authors, making significant progress in the understanding of Kac-Moody Lie algebras, cluster structures on Weyl group-indexed subgroups the of the unipotent group and the dual semicanonical basis. It is a wide generalisation of their earlier work on the Dynkin cases A, D and E [C. Geiss, B. Leclerc and J. Schröer, Invent. Math. 165, No. 3, 589–632 (2006; Zbl 1167.16009)].
Fix a finite quiver \(Q\) with no oriented cycles. Let \(\Lambda=\Lambda_Q\) be the corresponding preprojective algebra (which may be infinite dimensional). Let \(W_Q\) be the Weyl group of \(Q\). For each element \(w\in W\), a Frobenius subcategory \(\mathcal{C}_w\) of the category \(nil(\Lambda)\) of all finite dimensional nilpotent representations of \(\Lambda\) was associated to \(w\) in [A. Buan, O. Iyama, I. Reiten and J. Scott, Compos. Math. 145, 1035–1079 (2009; Zbl 1181.18006)], where it was shown that the corresponding stable category, \(\underline{\mathcal{C}_w}\) is \(2\)-Calabi-Yau. These results were also discovered independently in [C. Geiss, B. Leclerc and J. Schröer, Cluster algebra structures and semicanonical bases for unipotent groups, Preprint arXiv:math/0703039v4 [math.RT], (2007)], in the special case where \(w\) is adaptable. Each reduced expression i for \(w\) gives rise to corresponding maximal rigid \(\Lambda\)-module \(V_{\mathbf{i}}\).
A cluster algebra \(\mathcal{A}(\mathcal{C}_w)\) is associated to \(\mathcal{C}_w\), with initial seed given by \(V_{\mathbf{i}}\) (for any choice of reduced expression i). It is shown that \(\mathcal{A}(\mathcal{C}_w)\) has a natural realisation as a certain subalgebra of the graded dual of \(U(\mathbf{n})\), where n is the positive part of the symmetric Kac-Moody Lie algebra g of the same type as \(\Lambda\). It is shown that all the cluster monomials lie in the dual of Lusztig’s semicanonical basis of \(U(\mathbf{n})\) and that the intersection of the dual semicanonical basis with \(\mathcal{A}(\mathcal{C}_w)\) is a basis for \(\mathcal{A}(\mathcal{C}_w)\). It is further shown that \(\mathcal{A}(\mathcal{C}_w)\) is isomorphic to the coordinate ring of of the finite dimensional unipotent subgroup \(N(w)\) (associated to \(w\)) of the symmetric Kac-Moody group attached to g.
It is also shown that inverting the generators of the coefficient ring gives rise to the algebra of regular functions on the unipotent cell associated to \(w\), solving a conjecture of A. Buan, O. Iyama, I. Reiten and J. Scott [loc. cit.].
Also interesting is that the endomorphism algebra of \(V_{\mathbf{i}}\) is shown to be quasihereditary, allowing a description of mutation of maximal rigid modules in \(\mathcal{C}_w\) in terms of \(\Delta\)-dimension vectors of corresponding modules over the endomorphism algebra.
Another spin-off is a new categorification of every acyclic cluster algebra with a skew-symmetric exchange matrix and a certain choice of coefficients.
This thorough, well-written paper covers a lot of ground and establishes very general strong, results, and is likely to be a standard reference in the future.


17B67 Kac-Moody (super)algebras; extended affine Lie algebras; toroidal Lie algebras
13F60 Cluster algebras
14M99 Special varieties
16G20 Representations of quivers and partially ordered sets
17B35 Universal enveloping (super)algebras
17B37 Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations
20G05 Representation theory for linear algebraic groups
22E67 Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment
81R10 Infinite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics, including Virasoro, Kac-Moody, \(W\)-algebras and other current algebras and their representations


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