
Tight frames, Hadamard matrices and Zauner’s conjecture. (English) Zbl 1509.81010

Summary: We show that naturally associated to a SIC (symmetric informationally complete positive operator valued measure or SIC-POVM) in dimension \(d\) there are a number of higher dimensional structures: specifically a projector and complex Hadamard matrix in dimension \(d^2\), and a pair of ETFs (equiangular tight frames) in dimensions \(d(d\pm1)/2\). We also show that a WH (Weyl-Heisenberg covariant) SIC in odd dimension \(d\) is naturally associated to a pair of symmetric tight fusion frames in dimension \(d\). We deduce two relaxations of the WH SIC existence problem. We also find a reformulation of the problem in which the number of equations is fewer than the number of variables. Finally, we show that in at least four cases the structures associated to a SIC lie on continuous manifolds of such structures. In two of these cases the manifolds are non-linear. Restricted defect calculations are consistent with this being true for the structures associated to every known SIC with \(d\) between 3 and 16, suggesting it may be true for all \(d\geqslant3\).


81P15 Quantum measurement theory, state operations, state preparations
81P16 Quantum state spaces, operational and probabilistic concepts
15B34 Boolean and Hadamard matrices


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