
Scattered data points best interpolation as a problem of the best recovery in the sense of Sard. (English) Zbl 1224.41091

Author’s abstract: The problem of the best recovery in the sense of Sard of a linear functional \(Lf\) on the basis of information \(T(f)=\{L_jf,\;j=1,2,\dots,N\}\) is studied. It is shown that in the class of bivariate functions with restricted \((n,m)\)-derivative, known on the \((n,m)\)-grid lines, the problem of the best recovery of a linear functional leads to the best approximation of \(L(K_nK_m)\) in the space \(S=\operatorname{span}\{L_j(K_n\bar K_m),\;j=1,2,\dots,N\}\), where \(K_n(x,t)=K(x,t)-L^x_n(K(\cdot,t);x)\) is the difference between the truncated power kernel \(K(x,t)=(x-t)^{n-1}_+/(n-1)!\) and its Lagrange interpolation formula. In particular, the best recovery of a bivariate function is considered if scattered data points and the blending grid are given. An algorithm is designed and realized using the software product Matlab.


41A50 Best approximation, Chebyshev systems
65D05 Numerical interpolation
65D17 Computer-aided design (modeling of curves and surfaces)
41A58 Series expansions (e.g., Taylor, Lidstone series, but not Fourier series)


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